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Dedicated Faculty & Staff of St. Mary of Carmel

Discover the passionate educators and staff members who drive our mission, shaping the future of our students with commitment and care.

Our Principal

Victor Argueta

With great honor and enthusiasm, I extend my warmest greetings to each member of our esteemed school family. As the newly appointed principal of Saint Mary of Carmel, I am deeply humbled to join this community of faith, academics, and service.


Our school stands as a beacon of light in the journey of education, guided by the principles of Catholic faith and the pursuit of academic excellence. Rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, we are committed to fostering an environment where students can grow intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally.


In the words of St. Teresa of Avila, “God has no hands but yours.” This profound statement summarizes the essence of our mission here at SMC. Each community member is called to be an instrument of God’s love and compassion, using our talents and abilities to make a positive difference in society.


As we embark on this new academic year, I am filled with excitement for the possibilities that lie ahead. Let us embrace the challenges and opportunities that come our way together, knowing we can achieve great things with faith and perseverance.

I invite you to connect with us to learn more about the exciting programs, initiatives, and events that make Saint Mary of Carmel an exceptional learning place. Whether you are a current student, parent, faculty member, or prospective family, I encourage you to join us on this journey of discovery, growth, and transformation.

May God’s grace guide us as we work together to fulfill our shared mission of shaping hearts, minds, and souls.


Yours in Christ,

Victor Argueta




Con honor y entusiasmo, extiendo mis más cálidos saludos a cada miembro de nuestra estimada familia de Santa María del Carmen. Como recién nombrado director de Santa María del Carmen, me siento profundamente honrado de unirme a esta comunidad de fe, conociemientos y servicio.



Nuestra escuela es un faro de luz en el camino de la educación, guiada por los principios de la fe católica y la búsqueda de la excelencia académica. Arraigados en las enseñanzas de Jesucristo, estamos comprometidos a fomentar un entorno donde los estudiantes puedan crecer intelectual, espiritual y emocionalmente.


En palabras de Santa Teresa de Ávila, “Dios no tiene manos excepto las tuyas”. Esta profunda declaración resume la esencia de nuestra misión aquí en SMC. Cada miembro de la comunidad está llamado a ser un instrumento del amor y la compasión de Dios, utilizando nuestros talentos y habilidades para marcar una diferencia positiva en nuestra sociedad.



Al embarcarnos en este nuevo año académico, estoy lleno de entusiasmo por las posibilidades que tenemos por delante. Enfrentemos juntos los desafíos y oportunidades que se nos presenten, sabiendo que podemos lograr grandes cosas con fe y perseverancia.



Los invito a conectarse con nosotros para obtener más información sobre los interesantes programas, iniciativas y eventos que hacen de Santa María del Carmen un lugar de aprendizaje excepcional. Ya sea que sea un estudiante actual, un padre, un miembro del cuerpo docente o una futura familia, lo animo a que se una a nosotros en este viaje de descubrimiento, crecimiento y transformación.


Que la gracia de Dios nos guíe mientras trabajamos juntos para cumplir nuestra misión compartida de moldear corazones, mentes y almas.



En Cristo, 


Victor Argueta


Guiding Our Vision

The SMC Board: Leadership & Governance

Meet the dedicated individuals steering St. Mary of Carmel’s direction, ensuring our legacy of faith and excellence continues to thrive.
Tara Walsh
Board Member

Tara Walsh

KC Photo
Board Member

Kevin Clock

PSM Photo
Board Member

Patty Salazar Martel

Imelda Hernandez Photo
Board Member

Imelda Hernandez


John, Daly


Alfonso Ramire

Board Member

Mary Ann Wernick

Board Member

Cleofas Segovia

Board Member

Bill Matja

Board Member

Gregg McHugh

Board Member

Grant Schmidt

Board Member

Nathalie Amador

Board Member

Norma Nelson

Board Member

Prisma Garcia

Board Member

Gary Emery

Support Our Mission & Vision

Your generous contributions play a pivotal role in sustaining our legacy. Together, we can continue to foster an environment of faith, learning, and leadership, ensuring that St. Mary of Carmel remains a beacon of excellence for generations to come.
Shaping Tomorrow

Introducing the 2024-2025 Faculty & Staff of St. Mary of Carmel

Discover the educators and team members dedicated to fostering an environment of growth, faith, and academic excellence for the upcoming academic year.


Mr. Victor Aguilar

Assistant Principal/ MS Math

Ms. Haley Schilly

PreK 3 & 4

Mrs. Lynn Moeller



1st Grade

Mrs. Bianca Delgado

2nd Grade

Mrs. America Ramirez

3rd Grade

Mr. Liam Johnson

4th Grade

Ms. Nikki Perryman

5th Grade

Mr. Mitchell Schuck

MS Social Studies/ Religion


Mrs. Jannet Stephen
MS Science/ Technology

Mrs. Jannet Stephen

MS English Language Arts

Ms. Rebecca Romskog


Mr. Luis Navarrete





Office Manager, Cafeteria Manager

Mrs. Rita DeLeon

Health Coordinator, FACTS Coordinator

Mrs. Alma Ibarra

Mr. Gerard Gibbs
Development and Communications Officer

Mr. Gerard Gibbs

Teacher’s Aide/ ASC

Mrs. Maleny Salazar

After School Care

Ms. Veronica Martinez

Maintenance/ Custodian

Mr. Josef Casares

The mission of St. Mary of Carmel is to serve our children by providing quality Catholic education in a safe and nurturing environment.


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